07903 361054
Fees can be paid on a monthly or term basis as shown.
Refunds or deductions cannot be made if a child is ill, on holiday or for any reason that a child does not attend Preschool. Days which are reserved, cannot be relocated to other days.
No reduction is made where a child is collected early.
A Discount of 5% is given if your child attends all five days per week. In addition, if a brother or sister of the child attends the preschool, then a further 5% discount is given. These fees exclude the cost of any grant your child may be allocated.
Various childcare funding is available. Please see information provided.
Payment for the whole of term due the first week of term commencing. Interest will be charged for late payments. Payment made through GoCardLess
Paid monthly in advance through GoCardLess to Nippertime Preschool on the last day of the previous month or the next banking before. Fees are calculated on an annual basis, this sum is then divided by 12 to arrive at a monthly figure, and although the months may vary in length the amount stays the same.
Childcare Vouchers
Childcare vouchers are accepted
2 year old Childcare funding from April 2024
The Government is introducing up to 15 hours funding for 2 year olds from April 2024. We are currently waiting for final funding figures before we can confirm how we will offer this and associated additional fees.
To check whether you will eligible for this, please Click Here
3 & 4 year old Childcare funding
All parents of three and four year olds are entitled up to 15 hours of funding. Additional funding above 15 hours is dependent on financial circumstances - for more details on eligibility please Click Here